Rapid development in IT, such as spread of smartphones, big data, IOT, cloud service, and SNS, has been creating a big wave of change not only in business, media, communications, but also in education. Recently, Yonsei University has taken an initiative to react to these changes through ‘Smart Campus Project.’ Traditionally, universities have provided contents such as lectures and materials at the library to its students. However, the amount and quality of the contents and how they are provided to the students are now changing. There’s a higher percentage of those who purchase electronic contents, such as electronic journals, than books. Students are also asking for online forums in which they can actively participate and hold discussions, instead of passively attending lectures, and they are also demanding for ways to access lectures through online at their own convenience. In addition, universities must also provide knowledge in and outside of the university, such as TED, guest lectures, and MOOC.
The main focus of Smart Campus is revolutionizing the education system through diversification of contents and IT technology. Through a concept called OCX(Open Campus Experience), Yonsei University aims to manage and provide all the information that are created within the campus. All cultural, art, academic activities will be notified to students via mobile calendar, and students will be able to access it through online video clips. Professors can also easily make lecture video clips during lectures, and outside lecturers can also participate through online invitation. Providing many services as mobile services is also another important aspect of Smart Campus. Students may enter libraries using mobile student ID cards, and they can also check for location of the shuttle bus on campus and whether the cafeterias are packed with students or not. Using Beacon, students can check in for attendance at all large lecture halls by smartphone, and all submitted works can be checked for plagiarism through Korean/English anti-plagiarism system.
We are proud to provide you the highest quality of service in the world, and we sincerely hope that you can reach great achievements in your education and researches with all of our IT-based services.