Appenzeller Hall No. 301
(+82) 2-2123-4423
- Organizing the Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum(GEEF)
- Enhancing engagement for SDGs
(Curricular/Extracurricular programs & Research) - International Cooperation for SDGs
*SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals
Stimson Hall 102, 104
- Providing Community –Problem Based Learning
- Social innovation Competency Course(SIC)
- Support for student-led social Innovation projects
- Workstation(6 divisions)
- Yonsei Social Innovation Certificate
- Support for learning opportunities and infrastructure linked to the public sector
- Social Innovation Externship
- Social Participation Programs
- Community-Based Mentoring Programs
- Cooperation Programs & Projects with External Agencies
- Providing Community –Problem Based Learning
Office of the Chaplain
Luce Chapel 103, 105
(+82) 2-2123-2036~8
- Chapel(02-2123-2038)
- Campus Ministry, Lunch sharing program, Underwood Memorial Association (02-2123-5037)
- Arranging meeting spaces, Education in Christian Studies, Pastoral care and Academic theological advice (by appointment) (02-2123-2037)
- On/Off-Campus cooperation, general administration (02-2123-2036)
- University Church (02-2123-7361)
- Office of Chaplaincy for Medical, Dental, and Nursing College (02-2228-1012)
- Samae Church (032-749-3082)
Office of University Planning and Management
Underwood Hall
- Planning Team
- University administration and academic schedule management
- Material and Human resource management
- Budget Management Team
- Budget planning and database management
- Cost Accounting
- Budget deliberations, control, and adjustment
- Strategy & Evaluation Management Team
- University vision and overall planning
- University evaluation and assessment
- University statistics and evaluation reports
- Government-funded projects
- Legal Team
- Interpret rules and regulations
- Provide legal review of contracts and legal compliance
- University rules and regulations management
- Planning Team
Office of Academic Affairs
Underwood Hall 107, B101,
Baekyang Hall N208, N210- Team of Academic Affairs
- Installation and deletion of undergraduate, graduate, college or courses
- Planning and coordination of academic affairs
- Team of Academic Support
- Undergraduate academic records and class work coordination
- Innovation Center for Teaching and Learning
- Untact/Online class support
- MOOC development and production
- LMS (LearnUs) development and maintenance
- Flipped Classroom, Online Classroom support
- Teaching & learning support
- Educational policies research
- Team of Academic Affairs
Admissions Office Admissions Office homepage
Centennial Hall (3F)
(+82) 2-2123-4131
- Establishment of undergraduate admissions policy
- Confirmation of admission requirements
- Matriculation information sessions
- Admission fairs
- Admissions magazine production and distribution
- Admissions Counseling Center
- Acceptance letter and registration bill issuance and delivery
Office of Student Affairs and Services
Student Union hall (2F)
(+82) 2-2123-3373~5
- Freshmen orientation
- Supervision of student council and student organizations
- Scholarship and tuition exemption, loan-related business
- Job guidance and counseling services
- Work seminars and job fairs
- National Examination Center
- Gender Equality Center
- Counseling Center
- Support services for students with special needs
Research Affairs Office Research Affairs Office homepage
Baekyang Hall (5F)
(+82) 2-2123-5150
- Research policy establishment
- Intramural Research Promotion Service
- Assistance of quantitative research projects
- Researchers support and research organizations establishment and support
- Research ethics committee support
- Oversees electric research notes
- Oversees research ethics education
- Oversees high-tech research equipment acquisition and maintenance
- Symposiums and seminars held to utilize state-of-the-art research equipment
- Joint usage of state-of-the-art equipment to other universities and the industry
General Affairs Office
Baekyang Hall (2F)
(+82) 2-2123-2036
- Administrative Team
- Oversees official university events and ceremonies and manages the President's official seal
- Building management (parking, vehicle, company housing)
- Human Resources Team
- HR staff, training staff salaries and benefits
- Financial and Accounting Team
- Execution and settlement of import expenditure
- Operational funds management, securities management
- Purchasing Team
- Purchases and facility construction contracts
- Cleaning, parking expense, such as service contracts
- Administrative Team
Facilities Office
Baekyang Hall S309, S310
(+82) 2-2123-3480~2
- Purchase of machinery and supplies for education and work
- Registration/disposal of school equipment, management of classroom equipment
- Establishment of construction planning
- Maintenance of machinery, electricity, and sanitary facilities, etc.
- Long-term, short-term construction planning of mechanical and electrical equipment, etc.
- Safety management of firefighting facilities and laboratories
- Maintenance of trees, green areas, and nursery fields in campus
Office of Library and Cultural Services
Yonsei-Samsung Library
Central Library
Underwood Memorial Library(International Campus)
Centennial Hall
Housing Office 1-Haksa- University Library 02-2123-6487
Acquisitions, Cataloging, Borrowing of library materials
Research Assistant, Instruction, & Reference Services
Digital Library Systems Operation/Yonsei DX Academy - University Museum 02-2123-3340
Collection, Preservation, research, exhibition, education, services of cultural heritage - University Archives 02-2123-3341~4
Management of Yonsei Administrative Recods/Collection and Preservation of Yonsei History - University Press 02-2123-3378
Production of Printouts, Digital Contents - Design Center 02-2123-5070
Management of UI(Yonsei University Identity) and sign constructions
- University Library 02-2123-6487
Library and Information Services
Engineering Research Park 268, B181-1, B181-3
(+82) 2-2123-4972(Information Development)
- Operation of administrative information system (ERP)
- Operation of electronic payment systems
- Operation of undergraduate, graduate student information system
- Operation of H/W information and system operation
- Operation of university network system
- Operation of university homepage system
Office of External Affairs and Development
Underwood Hall 101 / Stimson Hall 107
(+82) 2-2123-2248,2076
- Alumni relations
- Fundraising and management
- Scholarships and donations reception
- Donor Recognition
- School promotion and official press releases
- Yonsei news articles collections
- Manage domestic and international public relations
- Operate social media
- Publish promotional materials - brochures, newsletters
- Produce promotional videos
- Handle media coverage
- Operate campus tours
Office of International Affairs Office of International Affairs homepage
Baekyang Hall S302/S308
- Internationalization Strategies and Planning
- International Organization Management
- Protocol for International Visitors
- MOU and Student Exchange Agreement
- In/Outbound Exchange Program Management
- Incoming Exchange and Visiting Student Program
- Yonsei International Summer School (YISS) and Winter Abroad at Yonsei (WAY)
- International Students Support
- International Faculty Support
- Global Lounge Management and Global Service Desk Operation
* Departments : International Affairs Team, Global One-Stop Service Center