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2020-1st Semester COVID-19 Special Scholarship Application Guidelines 2020.12.11
Sinchon/International Office of University Planning & Development

Yonsei University will provide the COVID-19 Special Scholarship for the 2020-1st (Spring) semester. Students should apply within the deadline and can use the scholarship to donate back to the university, which has been heavily impacted financially due to COVID-19, or as a mobile gift certificate for Yonsei University Co-op.

1. Application period: Dec. 14, 2020 (Mon) 9:00am–Jan. 13, 2021 (Wed) 11:59pm

2. Eligibility: 2020-1st semester undergraduate students and graduate students of Yonsei Graduate School and 

    professional/special graduate schools

   ※ Uneligible students: Expelled students, students who have dropped out

3. Scholarship types and amounts

   a. COVID-19 Special Scholarship: 100,000 KRW per student

       ※ For those on leave of absence or have exceeded the number of required semesters, the scholarship amount 

              will be determined based on their tuition fee

   b. COVID-19 Special Fees Scholarship (Refund of laboratory, practice, or studio fees): The amount will vary 

      depending on the affiliated department

     ※ Students can check their scholarship amount when applying online. If the scholarship amount is not shown 

            on the screen, they are not eligible for laboratory, practice, or studio fee refunds. Students can contact 

            their affiliated college for further inquires. 

      ※ For students on leave of absence or who have exceeded the number of required semesters, the scholarship 

            amount will be determined based on their tuition fee.

      ※ Full-scholarship students are excluded from the COVID-19 Special Fees Scholarship. (They are still eligible to 

             receive the 100,000 KRW COVID-19 Special Scholarship.)

4. How to apply

    a. For each of the two scholarships, students can choose to receive the scholarship, donate to the university, 

        or receive a mobile gift certificate from the Yonsei University Co-op

        i. Donation: Use as a COVID-19 disaster relief fund (Scholarship payment processing and donation receipt to 

            be issued)

        ii. Yonsei University Co-op mobile gift certificate can be used at all Yonsei Co-op stores on campus (including 

             the student cafeteria and café Tres Bien) and the university online shopping mall (www.yonseicoop.com). 

    b. When applying for a scholarship, students should enter a deposit account in their name (including students 

          who have graduated)

    c. If students choose to donate, they can request a donation receipt from the National Tax Service at the end of 

         the year (2021 income year).

       ※ Inquiries regarding donation receipts: External Affairs & Development Team(02-2123-2243), Yonsei 

             University Health System Donation Team(02-2228-1086)   

    d. If students choose to receive the gift voucher, then they must enter their mobile phone number.

    e. International students who do not have a domestic account may select to delay the scholarship. They can 

        receive the scholarship after they enter Korea and create a domestic account. (Students should enter the reason 

        for the delay, (e.g.) currently living abroad.)

5. How to apply: Yonsei Portal Service (portal.yonsei.ac.kr) → Academic Information System → Academic 

    Management System → Log in → Scholarship → Apply for COVID-19 Special Scholarship

6. Schedule of scholarship payments: Scheduled to be paid by the end of January 2021 (Academic Information 

    System → Check “Scholarship Application Result”)

7. Note: If students do not apply within the application period, their scholarship will be automatically processed as a 

     donation. (A donation receipt will not be issued.)

8. Inquiries: Administrative office of each college/graduate school