Kim, Dae Jung Library
Archival Project
The archival project is dedicated to the collection, organization, abstraction, and publication of Korean contemporary history archives, with a primary focus on those pertaining to President Kim Dae-jung. In particular, it is compiling extensive oral history collections involving testimonies from domestic and international figures regarding key historical events and policies of President Kim Dae-jung. Additionally, it is establishing a digital archive for various holdings, including these oral history collections. The Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library consistently undertakes the organization, research, and publication of its holdings, resulting in the release of the Kim Dae-jung Chronicles in two volumes and the publication of a total of 30 volumes in the Kim Dae-jung Collected Works. Moreover, the library is continuously releasing diverse audio and video materials, offering abstracts and undergoing editing processes.
Exhibition Project
The Exhibition Project aims to present the pivotal documents and collections of President Kim Dae-jung, fostering a space for historical education that encourages closer engagement and enjoyment by the public. Employing diverse exhibition techniques, such as digital content, the project seeks to enhance the convenience and comprehension of visitors. The first floor of the exhibition hall is dedicated to exploring the life of President Kim Dae-jung, while the second floor exhibits various materials related to books and writing, curated by thematic subjects.
Research Project
President Kim Dae-jung, being a figure of an significant historical impact on modern Korean history, has spawned numerous scholarly research topics related to his legacy. Accordingly, regular academic conferences addressing these subjects are held. Moreover, the publication of the Kim Dae-jung Research Series aims to promote the universalization, academicization, and globalization of research on Kim Dae-jung.
External Partnership Project
As the first presidential library in Asia, the Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library cultivates collaborative relationships with prominent domestic and international institutions, facilitating various conferences and related initiatives. Furthermore, simultaneous efforts are made to solicit diverse forms of sponsorship to invigorate projects commemorating former presidents. Given the public nature of these commemorative endeavors, partnerships with a myriad of organizations are pursued. Throughout this process, the Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library fosters national unity by advancing the academicization, objectification, and universalization of projects commemorating former presidents, thereby establishing itself as an impartial academic research institution.