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General Notice

The Additional Sign-up Guide of Student Mutual-aid Association, the Second Semester of 2023 2023.08.29
Common Student Health Mutual-aid Association

The Additional Sign-up Guide of Student Mutual-aid Association,

the Second Semester of 2023

All the students who did not pay for Mutual-aid Association fee during tuition payment period can sign up additionally separately during September, 2023. In this case, you will qualify for membership from the day after sign-up till the end of the semester. Please transfer Mutual-aid Association fee (krw 25,000) into Woori Bank Account Number of Mutual-aid Association

Sinchon, Kookje Campus: 1005-002-403516, Depositor-연세대학교학생건강공제회

Mirae Campus:1005-602-407603, Depositor-연세대학교학생건강공제회

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me(joms@yonsei.ac.kr).