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UPDATE: Yonsei’s Response to Confirmed COVID-19 Case [Engineering Research Park] 2020.11.20
Sinchon/International Office of University Planning & Development

In response to additional confirmed COVID-19 cases at Engineering Research Park, Yonsei University informs the corresponding travel log and measures as follows.

1. Two Yonsei students tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, November 19, at around 11:00 am.

2. The students’ on-campus travel log and details are as follows.

  A. Student #1 

      - Friday, Nov. 13 (12:00 pm): Visited Engineering Research Park (2F). Did not enter the campus since the visit.

  B. Student #2

     - Friday, Nov. 13 (4:00 pm): Visited Engineering Research Park (2F). Did not enter the campus since the visit.

  C. The students had been classified as close contacts of the initial COVID-19 case of Tuesday, November 17, and tested positive for the virus. The other 16 close contacts all tested negative. 

3. The university is currently conducting all necessary measures in cooperation with the disease control authorities.

4. University members are advised to pay special attention to preventive measures such as temperature-checking. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, please get tested at a screening clinic near you.

5. We request your continued cooperation as we fight to end COVID-19 and vanguard the safety of the members of the Yonsei community.