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학부 수강신청 제도개편 안내 2015.04.17

연세대학교 학부 재학생들의 수강신청 제도가 ‘마일리지 및 대기순번제’를 활용하는 방식으로 전면 개편됩니다. 기존 선착순 시스템이 갖고 있던 문제를 개선하여 학생 본인의 선택이 존중되고 공정하고 합리적인 기준과 절차가 우선시되는 제도로 개편하고자 합니다.

변경되는 제도의 내용은 다음과 같으며, 자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.


Course Enrollment Instructions for 2015 Fall Semester

From 2015 Fall semester, new Y-CES (Yonsei Course Enrollment System, using ‘Mileage’ and waiting list) will be introduced to Yonsei University undergraduate students. Y-CES will improve previous first-come, first-served enrollment system. Y-CES respects students’ choices by providing reasonable criteria and procedures for enrollment.

Changes are as follows,

Students should allocate certain amount of mileage points to each course you would like to take. Then in accordance with standards (the amount of mileage you allocated/conformity to major enrolled, the number of courses applied, graduating), course will be enrolled to your course registration account. If the number of course registration capacity is full, you will be on the waiting list. You can try to register the course during the ‘Additional Period of Course Enrollment’. Drop & Add Period is the final chance to register the course after class begins.



Course Enrollment




Course Enrollment (4days)[i]

Mileage system


Course Enrollment Results (1day)[ii]

Additional Period of

Course Enrollment (2days)[iii]

Waiting list

Drop & Add Period


Drop & Add Period (3days)[iv]

[i] Course Enrollment: Students are required to use their mileage (Maximum mileage point is 4 times the limit of credits per semester. For example, if a student can enroll up to 18 credits, this student will have 18*4=72 mileage points. Each course has its own mileage points up to 36 points).

[ii] Notification of Course Enrollment Results: Decision of course approval will be made based on the mileage points which each student allocated. The higher mileage they spend, the more chances they will have. In the same mileage points, the priority will be applied according to the conditions (conformity to major, number of courses applied, graduating, total credits earned / credits for graduation requirement, previous credits earned / whole credits available per semester. Additional registration period will be given to the candidates after the notice.

[iii] Additional Period of Course Enrollment: After Course Enrollment Results, those students who failed to enroll the course due to full registration will receive waiting number in the waitlist. Those newly attempting to enroll for courses will also receive new waiting number.

[iv] Drop & Add Period: Waitlist will be initialized. Those attempting to enroll for desirable courses will receive new waiting number in the new waitlist.

l Further information will be notified later.