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2023-여름학기 원주생활관 입사 신청 / Dormitory Application for 2023-Summer 2023.05.19
원주 원주생활관

1. 신청대상: 연세대학교 학부생 및 대학원생 (휴학생 포함)

2. 신청방법: 연세포탈 https://portal.yonsei.ac.kr/ui/index.html→ 기숙사→ 입사신청(재학생)

3. 신청 기간: 2023. 5. 22.(월) 10:00 ~ 5. 31.(수) 23:59

4. 등록(입사비 납부)기간: 2023. 6. 1.(목) 10:00 ~ 6. 6.(화) 23:59

5. 룸메이트 신청 기간: 2023. 6. 7.(수) 10:00 ~ 6. 9.(금) 23:59

6. 입사 구분별 상세 안내

보다 자세한 사항은 아래 생활관 홈페이지를 참조해주세요.


Dormitory Application Notice for Summer Semester of 2023

1. Eligibility: Undergraduate and Graduate Students of Yonsei University(including students on leave)

2. Application Method: Yonsei Portal https://portal.yonsei.ac.kr/ui/index.html→ Dormitory→ Dormitory Application

3. Application Period: May 22nd, 2023(Monday) 10:00 ~ May 31st(Wednesday) 23:59

4. Register(Payment) Period: June 1st ,2023(Thursday) 10:00 ~ June 6th(Tuesday) 23:59

5. Roommate application period: 7th June, 2023(Wednesday) 10:00 ~ 9th June (Friday) 23:59

6. Detailed information on admission by category

Please refer to the notice below to check more details.
