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President Paul Kagame of the Republic of Rwanda Awarded Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration
President Paul Kagame of the Republic of Rwanda Awarded Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration

Contributions to Rwanda's National Development and International Peace and Coexistence

On June 5, Yonsei University awarded an honorary Doctor of Public Administration degree to H. E. Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, during a ceremony held at Yongjae Auditorium in the School of Business Building.

Yonsei University recognized President Paul Kagame for his outstanding contributions to rebuilding Rwanda after the civil war, his dedicated efforts towards national development and the improvement of public welfare, and his leadership in strengthening national governance and promoting African unity. These accomplishments led to his selection as the recipient of the honorary Doctor of Public Administration degree.

Born in 1957, President Kagame was appointed President of Rwanda by the interim parliament in March 2000. He was subsequently elected in the presidential elections of 2003, 2010, and 2017. Since taking office, he has implemented policies to prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, or ethnicity, and introduced a gender quota system. Notably, 61.3% of the lower house and 34.6% of the upper house of the Rwandan parliament are currently women.

President Kagame has spearheaded Rwanda's economic recovery, achieving an average annual growth rate of 7-8% since the early 2000s. The country has seen significant advancements in agriculture, tourism, and service industries. He has also expanded educational opportunities and human resource development through mandatory free public school education. Additionally, mandatory health insurance policies have contributed to combating AIDS and malaria.

Under President Kagame's leadership, Rwanda has prioritized public interests, leading to improved business environments and increased foreign investments. As a result, Rwanda ranked 7th globally in government efficiency according to the World Economic Forum in 2015 and 38th in the business environment according to the World Bank in 2020.

In his welcoming remarks, President Yoon Dong-sup highlighted, “President Kagame is a prime example of how a leader’s clear vision and leadership can profoundly impact a nation and its people. His innovative policies have laid the foundation for Rwanda’s economic prosperity and remarkable progress in healthcare and education.”

Dean of the Graduate School, Hyun-cheol Kim praised President Kagame’s efforts in his recommendation speech, saying, “Despite numerous challenges, President Kagame has led Rwanda’s national unity and reconstruction, significantly contributing to the sustainability of Rwanda’s economy and the peace and coexistence of the international community. Hence, I recommend awarding him the honorary doctorate in public administration.”

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reminisced, “I was astonished by the clean streets without any litter during my visit to Rwanda in 2006 as the first South Korean Foreign Minister to do so. African countries should actively learn from Rwanda’s example.”

.President Kagame expressed his gratitude, stating, “After taking power following a history of genocide that claimed over a million lives, my top priority was the unity and reconciliation of the people. Education and technology are as crucial as national security for a nation’s development. I look forward to close cooperation with Yonsei University and am honored by this vibrant partnership.”

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