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Yonsei University Hosts Special Lecture by H.E. Dr. Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone
Yonsei University Hosts Special Lecture by H.E. Dr. Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone

MOU Signed with Sierra Leone's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Collaboration

On June 3, Yonsei University hosted a special lecture by H.E. Dr. Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, who was visiting Korea for the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit.

Before the lecture, Yonsei University signed an MOU with Timothy Musa Kabba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Sierra Leone, to enhance cooperation in public health, smart cities, public administration, AI, and technology security. The agreement aims to strengthen bilateral exchanges and cooperation.

President Julius Maada Bio's special lecture, titled "Human Capital Investments: Foundational Learning, Gender Equality and Food Secutiry," attracted about 200 attendees from both within and outside the university. President Bio, who is in his sixth year of office, shared his governing philosophy and vision for Sierra Leone's educational system, inspired by Korea's model.

President Bio mentioned that he entered politics to overcome the cycle of poverty perpetuated by illiteracy and a weak educational infrastructure. He emphasized the Sierra Leone government's dedication to building a robust educational infrastructure and accelerating economic development and political stability through talent cultivation. He also expressed his hope for Sierra Leone to become not only economically prosperous but also a democratic and gender-equal nation.

After the lecture, President Bio and his delegation visited Severance Hospital to learn about Yonsei University's healthcare system and discuss potential collaborations in personnel exchanges and training programs.

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