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Fifth in the World to Implement a Quantum Computer
Fifth in the World to Implement a Quantum Computer

Yonsei has taken the first step in introducing high-tech technologies, especially IBM's Eagle Processor

In 2022, Yonsei University signed an agreement with IBM to acquire the IBM Quantum System One, a quantum computer with a capacity of 127 qubits (Eagle Processor), in the first half of 2024. By establishing the “Yonsei-IBM Quantum Computing Center” on its international campus, Yonsei University has positioned South Korea as the fifth country in the world to possess a quantum computer, following the United States, Germany, Japan, and Canada. Additionally, it has become the second university in the world to have an IBM Quantum System.

Quantum computers operate based on the principles of quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement and quantum interference, which are entirely different from the IT-based computers we currently use. Owing to these features, quantum computers have been seen as promising candidates to revolutionize computing by drastically reducing the time needed for complex calculations that are time-consuming for classical computers. The outstanding computational capabilities expected from quantum computing will directly contribute to the advancement of big data and artificial intelligence. Since fast processing of vast amounts of data is the key to future technologies, such as artificial intelligence and autonomous driving, advances in quantum computers are anticipated to be a key driver of the emerging smart society.

Moreover, experts believe that quantum computing will bring a major transformation in the field of encryption by leveraging the unique characteristics of quantum mechanics. The ability to explore various possibilities using massive datasets opens up applications in areas, such as drug discovery, material research, financial modeling, and logistics optimization.

Under the contract, Yonsei University will promote quantum industry and research, develop software to utilize quantum computing, make efforts to win orders for quantum computer operations, and train talent for future quantum expert education based on IBM's quantum computing technology. In particular, Yonsei is expected to become a domestic quantum hub in Korea by establishing the IBM Quantum Computing Center, contributing to creating an ecosystem of quantum computing industries that encompasses the "industry-university-institute-hospital-government" collaboration.

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