- Yonsei Law School Team Advances to the Vis Moot as the Only Korean Team March 31, 2023
"The Olympics of International Trade Law"
The student team of the Yonsei University Law School became the only Korean university team to advance to the finals at the "20th Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot ("Vis Moot")" held in Hong Kong from March 19 to 26.
Vis Moot is one of the best mock trial competitions in international justice, along with the "Jessup" competition in the field of international public law. It is also called the "Olympics of International Trade Law." It is held every year in Hong Kong and Vienna, and law students from around the world compete for written and oral defense in the field of international arbitration. After summing up the absolute scores of all oral debaters in the preliminary round, the advance to the finals would be decided in the order of the top scorers among all participating schools.
A total of 117 universities from 30 countries participated in this year's competition, which was held face-to-face for the first time in three years due to COVID-19. Yonsei University was the only Korean university to advance to the finals after a fierce contest among many leading universities in each country, such as the London School of Economics and Political Science, Peking University, Tsinghua University, the National University of Singapore, the University of Hong Kong, Waseda University, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Amsterdam, University of Vienna, University of Helsinki, and the National Law School of India University. Among Korean universities, law school students from Yonsei University, Seoul National University, Ewha Womans University, and Handong Global University participated.
The Yonsei Law School team advanced to the finals after four preliminary matches under the guidance of Professor Joongi Kim and lawyer Sameer Thakur. Nine students from the Yonsei Law School's International Arbitration Association (YIAA) and four undergraduate researchers participated in the team this year.
"I am happy that we got such a good result in the competition that our members prepared with passion under the guidance of the professor and coach. It was a happy and heart-throbbing week that I was able to learn, feel, and grow fiercely," the team leader Yoo-jung Lee said, "I am grateful that I am able to have such a dense experience as a student, and I think it will be of great help in international arbitration practice in the future."