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August 2024 Commencement Address 2024.08.30

August 2024 Commencement Address

August 30, 2024

President Dong-Sup Yoon


Dear Graduates,

Today, you depart from our beloved campus with honorable diplomas in hand. Congratulations!

I also want to express my sincere gratitude to Honorable Chairman Hur Dong-Soo and Members of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Lee Kyoung Ryul, President of the Yonsei Alumni Association, former Presidents of Yonsei University, and all distinguished who are here to celebrate this significant day. Above all, I extend my deepest gratitude and respect to the families and friends who have steadfastly supported and encouraged our graduates with unwavering love and friendship, as well as to the entire Yonsei family.

Beloved graduates,

I imagine that along with the joy of accomplishment, you must be feeling a mix of emotions. All the happy, sad, angry, and joyful moments you experienced at Yonsei have come together to shape who you are today. With minds filled with knowledge and wisdom and hearts brimming with passion and courage, now is the time to venture out into the wide world that awaits you.


We recently received some wonderful news. For the first time in our history, we have entered the top 50 in the '2025 QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) World University Rankings', and for the third year in a row, we have been named the 'No. 1 Private University in Asia.' Furthermore, in the '2024 THE World University Impact Rankings' by Times Higher Education, we ranked 11th in the world and 1st in Asia. These achievements were made possible by the passionate efforts of you, the graduates, and all of the faculty and staff. Thank you for raising Yonsei's stature.

Amid these remarkable achievements, there is a particular indicator I would like you to pay special attention to. Yonsei University has been highly recognized for its contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda. Notably, we have received outstanding evaluations in the areas of quality jobs and economic growth, industry, innovation, and infrastructure, and justice, peace, and effective institutions. It gives me immense joy to know that Yonsei University is exerting a positive impact on the international community, not just through education and research but also through its dedication to a sustainable future.

Dear Graduates,

As you take your first steps into the world, I want to discuss sustainability with you. The concept of sustainability is indeed broad and complex. While the ambitious goals we set are substantial, the journey and practical actions to reach them seem far from easy. However, on this difficult path, there is one thing I believe we must never lose sight of. That is the value of 'coexistence.' The sustainable future of humanity and the Earth ultimately depends on how we coexist.

In an ecosystem with infinite competition for limited resources, the idea that the key to  'my' sustainability lies in 'coexistence' with potential competitors might seem contradictory. However, 'my' existence has meaning only in relationships with 'others,' and humanity's survival and quality of life will be sustainable when we tackle our pressing issues with collective intelligence. Morevoer, Yonsei's pursuit of sustainability goes beyond ‘us’ as a species to seek harmonious coexistence with nature, aligning with the ‘Yonsei spirit’ that integrates the studies of heaven, earth, and humanity.

I believe 'coexistence' is the value that Yonsei strives for and the aim of our education. A person who can think beyond 'me' to 'us' is the kind of talent Yonsei aims to nurture; such a person should be the elite of society. As the Bible says, 'Woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up. But if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. Though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.'

Dear Graduates,

I hope you will become someone who uplifts others in society. Those you help will, in turn, help others. And should you stumble, they will extend their hand to you. May your growth and happiness come from helping one another and achieving good together.

Dear Yonsei Graduates who will expand humanity's possibilities with truth and freedom,

I hope you will now share with the world the wisdom and friendships you have built during your years at Yonsei. By sharing your wisdom, may it grow; by spreading your friendships, may your hearts and the world be filled with warmth and camaraderie. Be the ones who heal the afflicted parts of the world, dismantle hatred and conflict, and lead us towards a sustainable future. I am cheering you on to proudly continue the tradition of 400,000 Yonsei alumni making a difference in the world.

As we celebrate the bright future of our graduates, may God bless everyone here at this joyous occasion.

Thank you.