- 리더십센터 http://leadership.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 매체와 예술연구소 ( Institute of Media Art ) https://ima.yonsei.ac.kr
- 문과대학 ( College of Liberal Arts ) http://libart.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 문과대학 국어국문학 ( Department of Korean Language and Literature ) https://koreanlit.yonsei.ac.kr/korean/index.do
- 문헌정보학 ( Department of Library and Information Science ) https://yslis.yonsei.ac.kr
- 문화인류학과 ( Department of Cultural Anthropology ) http://anthro.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 물리학과 ( Department of Physics ) https://physics.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 미래교육원 ( University Extension ) http://go.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 미래융합교육개발원 ( MIRAE Institution for Covergence Educational Devlopment ) http://iced.yonsei.ac.kr
- 미래융합연구원 ( Institute of Research Convergence and Integration ) http://icons.yonsei.ac.kr/