- 글로벌융합기술원 https://yict.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 글로벌인재대학 ( Global Leaders College ) http://glc.yonsei.ac.kr
- 글로벌창의융합대학 ( College of Humanities & Social Sciences Convergence ) https://hssc.yonsei.ac.kr
- 글로벌창의융합대학 경제학전공 ( Department of Economics ) http://econ.yonsei.ac.kr
- 글로벌창의융합대학 국어국문학전공 ( Department of Korean Literature and Language ) https://ywkll.yonsei.ac.kr
- 글로벌창의융합대학 국제관계학전공 ( Department of International Relations ) http://ir.yonsei.ac.kr
- 글로벌창의융합대학 글로벌엘리트학부 https://ged.yonsei.ac.kr
- 글로벌창의융합대학 동아시아국제학부 ( Division of EAST ASIA International ) https://eic.yonsei.ac.kr
- 글로벌창의융합대학 역사문화학전공 ( Department of History and Culture ) http://yhc.yonsei.ac.kr/
- 글로벌창의융합대학 영어영문학 ( English Language and Literature ) https://engys.yonsei.ac.kr