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Campus Life

Undergraduate, graduate school affiliated institutions

Volunteer Center

Volunteer Center aims to contribute to the public interest and to practice love, maximizing social impact through volunteering of the Yonsei community. We open the General Social Service Class that can be taken regardless of major as a background process, while offering Civil society and Volunteering as the intensive course, and a community experience course (Community Based Learning). Many students not only foster a spirit of sharing but enhance knowledge through the diverse volunteering programs. The main activities of the volunteer center is largely volunteer training, middle and high school association programs, community service courses, certified volunteer management, volunteer club support, external resource links, Yonsei Social Service Award.

Campus Location

Appenzeller Hall 102


  • Community Service course management and evaluation
  • Volunteering Support
  • Volunteer Program Development
  • Linked to external social service agencies
  • Volunteer Training
  • Volunteering and fundraising campaigns
  • Volunteer certificate issue
  • Overseas volunteer support