Undergraduate, graduate school affiliated institutions
Graduate School of Business Affiliation Sangnam Institute of Management 교직원소개 Graduate School of Business Affiliation Sangnam Institute of Management homepage
Sangnam Institute of Management 3F administrative office management 02-2123-4266
- Personnel, General Affairs, Accounting, Business Rent
- Recruitment, placement, dedication of training courses abroad
- Construction, Facilities Management such as electricity, fire safety
College of Life Science Allen Hall 교직원소개
Allen Hall 02-2123-4101~2
- Dinner, New Year's ceremony, year-end parties catering service etc.
- School catering services
- Alumni Meeting
- Dinner, New Year's ceremony, year-end parties catering service etc.
Volunteer Center 교직원소개
Appenzeller tube No. 102
- Community Service course management and evaluation
- volunteer support
- Volunteer Program Development
- links with external social service agencies
- Volunteer Training
- volunteering and fundraising campaigns
- Volunteer certificate
- International volunteer support