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Campus Life

Undergraduate, graduate school affiliated institutions

College of Human Ecology Affiliated Allen Hall

Yonsei Allen Hall is a guesthouse of the University and College of Human Ecology has used it as a catering operating place for Food and Nutrition. Main facilities and comfortable accommodation includes rooms, various meeting places and lobby. Delicious breads are baked in the bakery.

Campus Location

Allen Hall

Phone Number

02) 2123-4101~2


Target Users

  • Yonsei University faculty, staff and alumni

How to book

  • Phone Reservations TEL : 02-2123-4101~2


  • School meeting, conferences, with lunch and dinner, New Year, year-end parties, etc.

    Campus catering service: Dinner, tea party or buffet for Special Graduate School etc.

    Alumni meeting: Alumni gatherings, receptions, etc.