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Affiliated Institutions

Engineering Research Park

The 21st Century can be seen as an era of infinite competition and possibilities. Cooperation between industry and academia is desperately sought more than ever. Through the development of industry and engineering education, Yonsei University ultimately aims to contribute to the improvement of international competitiveness of Korea. Yonsei University’s optimal educational environment with its excellent researchers and facilities and its cooperation with industry will lead this creative research environment. In order to enhance utility of engineering research and induce effective business-scholar cooperation Yonsei University has opened the Engineering Hall on May 6th 1999.

Campus Location

Office of Academic AffairsEngineering Hall B1



Research Team

Purpose of Research Team

Research Team conducts research personnel training, holds academic activities support meetings, business publications meetings and aims for substantial academia-industrial collaboration such as School Research Institute / Center, Industrial Research Center, Research Satellite that requires a university-industry cooperation.

Industry-university cooperation agency related to the Research Team

  • Institute / Center

    Thermal Control Design Laboratory , Institute of Construction Engineering , Architectural Institute of Science and Technology , Automotive Technology Lab / Mechanical Engineering , Institute of Biotechnology Industrialization , Software Application Laboratory New Energy / Environmental Systems Research Institute, Research Center of Signal Processing, Institute of Medical Device Technology, Automation Technology Institute, Wireless Communication Institute, Information Storage Devices Research Centers, The Research Team of the Quasi-crystalline Material, Iron and Steel Institute, Business Start-up Center, Small Enterprises Technical Assistance Center, Advanced Materials Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Knowledge Information Research Center, BK21 U -City Research and Development Integration Service Team, Technology Integration Team
    Construction Research Group, Pattern Integrated Active Polymer Material Center, Agency of Source Material Research and Development, Nano-probe-based Terahertz/Optical Multi-biometric imaging Technology Development Agency, Ecological Engineering Laboratory, ADD nano Application and Specialization Center, BK21 Future Social Infrastructure Facilities Collaborative Agency, Hynix Research Center, Research and Development Ream of Solar Cells, BK21 Information Materials Business Group of Human-tronics
    BK21 nano/micro Applications Mechanical Engineer Training Agency, Image Sensor Research Support Centers, BK21 Building Structures Monitoring and Maintenance Technology Development Institute
    Hyubo – Yonsei Industrial-Academia Cooperation Center, LS Industrial Systems – Yonsei Industrial-Academia Cooperation Center NT Research - – Yonsei Industrial-Academia Cooperation Center, Nano science and Technology Institute, WCU Center for Green Metagenomics,
    Ministry of Education supported Junior Executive Researchers Leap Study (NRL), The Promising Fusion Technology Pioneer Agency, The Next-generation Display Element Institute

  • Industrial Research Center

    Co., Ltd. Pulmuone Co., Ltd., Yonsei digital, South Korea Cyber University, Ltd. Nuri M. Wellness (Ltd.) GS Caltex

Yonsei Technology Business Center

Aim and Business content

We aim to consult business enterprises to strengthen their technology and enhance industrial competitiveness. We collaborate technology with these enterprises and support them. Performance and Technology Support Performance

Membership Operation

  • Membership

    Partners: Corporation, organization or group that has contracted and pays annually in order to get technical support, technical guidance, extra service, cooperation in technology development, advisory, consultation and involvement in other activities. This organization gains a right and obligation for guidance, co-development, consulting.

    Members: Corporation, organization or group that has contracted and pays annually in order to get technical support and regular service.

  • Eligibility and Contract of Members

    Membership of partners and members are formed through a technical assistance contract. The contract remains valid while payments are made. The minimum unit amount of the contract is 2,500,000 won (one account) as the base unit, the total amount can be paid within the contract period in a single payment or installment (twice, quarterly). However, the minimum amount of installment payment amount must be more than reference units (2,500,000 won) and Value Added Tax (VAT) is paid separately.

  • Member Classes

    Partners and members are classified into five classes according to the roles and rights, the level of benefits provided by the service center

    Diamond - more than 20million won annually: advanced technical support, VIP partners

    Platinum - 15 million won (6 accounts) annually: major corporations, major partners

    Gold – 10million won(4 accounts) annually: large construction companies, mid-sized construction company, Major Bender / Channel, General Partner

    Silver - 5 million won (2 accounts) annually: small, medium sized corporations, Bender / Channel

    Bronze- 2.5 million won (1account) annually: small commerce

Administration Office

The Administration Office is in charge of organization application screening and contract. We provide an adequate environment for the residential organizations. We attract diverse convenience facilities and preserve, modify, improve the facility for the research teams.