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The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies

The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies located in Baekyang Hall 505 (tel: 2123-4259 fax: 363-1095) was established in order to break barriers and add flexibility especially after the economic crisis of 1997. We realized that Korea needed a paradigm shift and especially in the cultural aspect for the youth. We are trying to figure out the difficulties that young generation have in the globalizing, ‘jobless growth’ environment. We figured out that in order to solve the overflow of new problems we needed pragmatic research. The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies is the place that produces knowledge and volunteers in order to get over existing barriers and relate with the society


The Center for Youth and Cultural StudiesBaekyang Hall N401




Research and Area

The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies solves problems with university students, youth, adolescents, alternative education, cultural service, Asian area studies, gender, mass culture, and digital multimedia in its center. The reason we are focusing on the young generation is because we have diagnosed that Korean society has not given them enough space and vision for them to ‘prepare’ for the future. The only way to ‘properly’ prepare for the future, is to prepare today. The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies not only focuses on research and development but also actual practices. Our research has developed into practices of 2007 Ministry of Education project 『Dropout Students Life and Growth Project』and Samsung Equal Chance Foundation’s 『Non-adjusting student Outer School Growth Project』. Therefore, theoretical practices that lead social change with government, academia, industry, and people cooperation leading new areas in the 21 century is the aim of The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies.

Exhibition, Project

The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies has engaged symposiums and projects with students of sociology, education, psychology, architectural engineering, clothing and textiles, department of mass communications and especially actively builds discourses for the global era and international networking. The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies has two grounding places. July 1999 Seoul City Establishment Haja Center, a career center for students and Seoul City University’s Alternative Education Center has been connected with the center’s projects. Haja Center is centered on projects that encourage adolescents to show their cultural sensitivity through image, design, web, and music. Also the Center provides a curriculum that encourages students to study on their own as well as integrate work with play with the Adolescence Culture Workplace Model Development Project at its center. The Alternative Education Center develops education infra and curriculum for students who dropped out of school. Through the two experimental trials, The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies produces results and contexts with teens and youth as the producers. This kind of work naturally leads to the 21st century live long education system model. The Center for Youth and Cultural Studies has been leading the social, welfare area since 2002 under the Yonsei Characterization Committee.