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[Student Interview] Navigating New Horizons: A Journey of Academic Excellence and Cultural Integration at Yonsei
[Student Interview] Navigating New Horizons:  A Journey of Academic Excellence and Cultural Integration at Yonsei

Yonsei Graduate School of Engineering Student Simuzar Aliyeva from Republic of Azerbaijan

Name: Simuzar Aliyeva
Nationality: Republic of Azerbaijan
College/Graduate School: Yonsei Graduate School of Engineering
Major/Specialization: Department of Information and Industrial Engineering | PhD, 6th semester

My journey towards studying in Korea began with the KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) group's program at my home university. This opportunity piqued my interest in Korea, and my fascination with the Korean language grew significantly. I soon found myself deeply engaged in learning Korean, driven by my belief that mastering a new language also opens doors to understanding the culture of that country. This cultural insight helps foster closer connections with its people and traditions. Learning new languages has always been one of my favorite hobbies, as it enriches my perspective and enhances my ability to communicate across cultural boundaries.

Studying abroad has long been a part of my academic and personal aspirations. Korea, with its reputation as a leader in engineering and technology, naturally emerged as a top contender. My prior exposure to the Korean language and the cultural parallels between Korea and my home country further solidified my decision. While researching educational opportunities in Korea, I came across the GKS (Global Korean Scholarship) program. After a rigorous and competitive selection process, I was thrilled to learn that I had been awarded this prestigious scholarship.

When evaluating universities, Yonsei University stood out among the rest. The university's global perspective, coupled with its impressive track record of producing successful graduates, perfectly aligned with my academic and professional goals. Yonsei's commitment to international education and its compatibility with my academic interests reinforced my decision to pursue my studies there.

I arrived in Korea in 2021, a time marked by the global challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The GKS program included a one-year intensive language course, which I undertook in Daejeon. This period was crucial, as it allowed me to deepen my proficiency in Korean and acclimate to the new environment. After successfully completing the language program, I commenced my doctoral studies at Yonsei University later that year.

One of the most significant challenges I encountered in Korea was adjusting to life in Seoul upon my arrival. While I had built a network of friends at the language university, we all went our separate ways to different universities after graduation. This sudden transition left me feeling quite isolated in the bustling city of Seoul. The COVID-19 pandemic further restricted social interactions, making it difficult to form new friendships and adapt to the new educational system. However, my confidence remained unshaken, largely due to the immense support I received from my lab colleagues. As the sole foreign student in my lab, their assistance and camaraderie were invaluable. I consider the friendships and professional relationships I have built in the laboratory to be among the most rewarding aspects of my time in Korea. After nearly four years in Korea and three years in Seoul, it has come to feel like a true home.

I believe that my knowledge of the Korean language and culture significantly eases my life in Korea. Although many people in Seoul speak English, I have found that learning Korean provides numerous advantages, particularly in forming deeper friendships with locals. Understanding the language and cultural nuances has helped me navigate everyday life more smoothly and feel more integrated into the community.

My academic background includes a bachelor's and master's degree focused on the oil and gas industry. However, for my doctoral studies, I wanted to challenge myself and explore a new and evolving field. Currently, my research is oriented towards renewable energy. Transitioning to a new area of study has been challenging, but I am confident in my ability to succeed and contribute to this vital field.

Looking ahead, I am eager to explore job opportunities in Korea after completing my doctoral studies. I believe that gaining work experience in Korea will be invaluable for my career and will allow me to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired during my studies.

For those considering studying in Korea, my advice is to conduct thorough research on your destination and the potential universities and colleges before making the journey. It is crucial to clearly define your academic and personal goals before embarking on this adventure. Once you have set your goals, stay focused and do not let any obstacles deter you from achieving them.

Yonsei University is an excellent choice for international students. It offers high-level academic programs, a wide array of English-language courses, and numerous international opportunities. Additionally, the university's location in one of the most attractive areas of Seoul and the beauty of the campus are significant advantages that enhance the overall experience.

Interview by student reporter Jo Beomsu

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